This is an auspicious Prasad (nectar, or food and water offered to a deity during worship (puja)), herbal medicinal syrup containing three colors of lotus (blue, red and white) with Laxmi Tulsi or Holy Basil with spagyrically rectified charcoal-filtered non-gmo organic spirits with organic vegetal nectar. This blend is a special synergy for relaxing, anxiety, meditation, good dreams, mood swings. It is a gentle, subtle energetic blend, with a divine synergy of some of the holiest herbs of India. This can be added to hot water for a delicious tea, taken straight or mixed in with mineral water for a refreshing herbal soda. It can be taken as a auspicious sacrament for meditation, dream yoga and tantric rites. The flavor is delicious but the soothing, calming effects are the real benefit and this is one of our favorite allies for reducing the physiological effects of stress.*

These are part of a category of herbal formula with psycho-spiritual effects to both aid the bodies natural healing, giving a warming, calming resurgence to vital energy, an abiding contentment that quiets the whisperer and mentation of the chattering mind. As aid to sleep, but also can be used for lucid dream, or dream yoga. It does not cause lethargy or sleep, but a calming, and thus in some situations can be invigorating or inducing clarity. We use this before important meetings to signal the mind/body to relax, to reduce the nagging incessant thoughts. Therefore we define it as a grounding formula, one that roots one in practices, aids in good habituation of behavior. It is said to impart the gift of eloquence and soothing speech, and saturate the body with the divine signature of Laxmi Tulsi. This is the goddess of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, and beauty. Laxmi is the wife of Vishnu, the Sustainer of the Universe, and this formula is a traditional blessed tonic to sustain health and peace within.

Comes in 4oz blue dropper bottle.
